What it is:

In this 30-minute free webinar, Brian will demonstrate how to teach and change behaviors with untrained or partially trained dogs. 

This webinar will get you to reframe how you perceive your dog's behavior and teach you the tools you need to teach your dog to WANT TO respond to your directions.

next available Webinar:

Every Tuesday at 10am PST (1 pm EST)

(Don’t worry, if you can’t attend live, we will send you a recording of the webinar after it’s over.)

How it works:

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In this 30-minute free webinar, Brian will demonstrate with untrained or partially trained dogs to tell and show how to teach and change behaviors.

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Puppy and dog owners can how to teach or change their pet’s behavior for the better, using tools and tricks that Brian has used with dogs over my career.

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The webinar will be limited to a maximum of 100 people so that we can have a productive Q&A session at the end of the webinar.


“Yes, you will be watching brian in action training the dogs currently residing at the grounds of the training facility “Great Pets Resort” in Connecticut!”

What you will learn




You will learn how to read, teach, and reward your dog effectively. Your use of praise, toys, and rewards to develop and maintain an enhanced positive relationship with your dog throughout your day. 

Before you can correct, you need to teach. Once the behavior has been learned without distractions, you need to practice in a variety of locations. You and your dog are a team; you are a team leader, so you must teach what you want and use what you have trained to get the response you want. Our goal is for your dog to want to respond to your directions. 


Meet your Teacher

Brian Kilcommons